Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Urinal & Constipation

Back in the day when I worked as a staff writer at the Atlanta Journal & Constitution, the paper had a nickname one never mentioned in the newsroom: "The Urinal & Constipation."  

Twenty years ago publishers set the editorial agenda and controlled the main avenues to get something printed and distributed to potential readers. Oh,  how times have changed since then! And for the better (mostly) I might add. 

However, with self-publishing the centerpiece of the Web 2.0 world we now inhabit, I miss the clarity and focus a thoughtful editor can provide. Other useful editorial duties include separating fact from fiction as well as ferreting out typos and misspellings. As for agenda setting -- anything goes today.

This blog doesn't have a set agenda or any scores to settle. Instead, I would like to add my two cents to the ongoing discussion on  how technology can bring people closer together (at least virtually) to share their passions, opinions and world views. My wide-ranging passions will fuel my blog postings. I welcome you along for the ride.

I'd Walk A Mile For A Camel But I Wouldn't Walk A Mile In Someone Else's Shoes: Empathy For The Devil

Using 21st-century technology to communicate is a double-edged sword. On one hand, such tools as blogs, mobile texting, Twitter postings, et al, offer new avenues to spread and share one's ideas, musings and worldview.  

But who cares really? 

Can technology enable us get inside the head/heart of others and feel what they think/feel? Or does it  create barriers to understanding? I'd say both. As much as I try to empathize with others, I'd rather not walk a mile in their shoes. It's not just my fear of foot fungus. Hmm, but what about renting bowling shoes? That's a topic for another day or another posting.